Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This is just flat out ridicules and unfortunately I hear about it all the time. So many people come to LA with a plan. That's the good part. The ridicules part IS THE PLAN. I've heard it a million times. Your coming in from whatever other state or even country with the 6 month plan, the 9 month plan, the 12 year plan or if LA is "lucky" the 1 1/2 year plan. "If I don't make it big in LA by so and so time, than I'm out......I'm done." I will stay at the Oakwood apartments and I'm not getting a job while I'm here. My parents said they will play for everything, so I don't have to." Wow, nice parents. So, what will they say when a year and a half goes by and your still not famous??? What are you thinking? What are they thinking? This takes time. This isn't over night. If you want to come to LA to give it a shot........ that's great, but be realistic. Get a job with flexible hours so you can go out on auditions. Get out of wherever it is that your staying early in the morning and work your butt off. Don't come back till the day is beyond over. This way, you can say "I did it" or "I gave it my all."

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