Saturday, April 30, 2011


I hear these sayings everyday. THE SECRETS OF SINGING or THE TRICKS OF THE TRADE. Understand what your really hearing is "hay people, look at me!!! I found a cool new way to get otheres attention on something that doesn't really even exict." There are no secrets of singing and there are no tricks of the trade. To sum it all's called marketing. If this is the career you've chosen or that has chosen're gonna have to learn proper vocal mecanics and put a little elbow grease behind into turning you into a complete package!!!
Posted by Monica Margolis

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Have a common thread throughout your package

 Remember when putting together a presskit to give to A & R people as well as others, you are a package. You are not looked at as a person with feelings. You are getting looked at as a product and if your lucky enough to even have someone look at you, keep in mind.......all they are thinking is "can I make money off this product." One think you can do is make sure you have a common thread that shows throughout your press kit. If your all about a certin look that uses red for example......then have that same color red on the cover of your CD, on the cover your your press kit, on your photos and on your bio. This just an example. This is kind of a rule of thumb that should give you something to think about.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where do you breath from when singing?

   Where do you take a breath from when singing? This is one of the very first questions I ask my students. Some answer their nose and others say their mouths. I always ask..... "why?" I get some great answers and some really interesting answers. To cut to the chase, the answer is YOUR MOUTH. The opening to your mouth is much larger than two little nostrils therefore, you can take in more air faster.

Friday, April 22, 2011


 You can't just think of yourself as an artist. YOU HAVE TO THINK OF YOURSELF AS A BUSINESS. You have got to be able to wear 2 hats (unless your a child and have your family backing you.) If you feel you just want to focus on your craft and you leave EVERYTHING ELSE up to someone else, you are asking for trouble. There are too many cases documented where someone has the funds to higher someone to oversee everything and at the end of the day.........the artist has nothing. Take an accounting class, take a beginning business class, google your questions, have close friends that you can ask questions.........SOMETHING. Think smart and be 10 steps ahead of the game.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why do vocal warm-ups???

   It's just like if you were to play a sport or take a dance class....... you have to stretch first. Our way of stretching is to sing scales. Vocal warm-ups help you stretch out your vocal range, add flexibility and help you with ear training! Some students love doing the warm -ups and some want their first song to be their warm-up. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T HAVE YOUR FIRST SONG BE YOUR WARM -UP. Just the thought makes my head hurt!!!! You never know who's in your audience. You're lucky if you get 30 seconds of someones ear time. Your first song needs to be as strong as your last. Think about it.......

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My favorite question asked by 99.999% of all my students when they first meet me.

       My favorite question asked by 99.999% of all my students when they first meet me....."how long will it take me to get really good at singing." My answer EVERYTIME........"well, you'll have a better understanding after every single lesson. I don't go home with you to know if you're practicing properly. Quality practice is a much bigger deal than quantity practice. In other word, how are you practicing? are you recording yourself? Are you listening back? Are you just singing songs for hours on end? Listening back is half your practice right there!!! If there's something you didn't like when listening back, then do something about it. Try singing the line differently. Now re-record yourself. This is a much better way to practice than to just sing.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Don't think sheep, you have a choice.

      For those of you that don't know, there are 2 types of vibrato! One is like a flutter and can be on the faster side. This one is within the vocal cords. The other involves using your tummy muscles and way more control. This one is much slower. Thank God we have a choice! Some people are born with faster vibratos and feel thats what they have to deal with. Now that we know we have 2 vibratos, we can decide when to speed it up and when to slow it down. We don't have to sound like sheep if we don't want to!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Don't let others jealousy get in your way

   You've been working hard at your your craft for soooooooo long. This is your time to shine. Share your God given gift. Sing proud. If others have a problem with YOUR gift, then honestly that's THEIR problem. You keep your head up high and do what you do. You have been blessed. Run with it. Go to that audition and get what's yours. Remember, without you there..........the audition would not be as strong!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Vocal Mechanics

 Believe it or not, there is such a thing as vocal mechanics. You have 3 "main" voices....... your head voice, your middle voice otherwise known as your mix and your chest voice. In between these 3 main voices are your "breaks." One of our goals is to get rid of these breaks and developing what's called bridges. In order to do this, you have to do what's called pulling up. Pulling up in dance class or in the service is standing at attention. Pulling up within singing is internal. It's a thought process. This is because our instrument is within our bodies. It's all a thought process. When it comes to vocal mechanics, focus is key. Once these bridges have been achieved and your breaks are gone, you will have what's called even connected pitch. Even connected pitch is a huge deal when it comes to having vocal control.

Finding the right people

   WOOOOOOOOOW I have spent a lifetime finding who I thought were the "right people" to have in the career portion of my life. The stories I could tell.........not even worth getting into. what I can tell you is there are those lessons in life you are supposed to learn from......even if you aren't in the then there are those that are people you REALLY ARE BLESSED TO HAVE IN YOUR LIFE. I have found a select few that have the knowledge and the knowhow. When you feel your ready to have people like that in your life, feel free to contact me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I made a promise

    Years ago I made God a promise. "Dear God, I love the music industry. Although I hate getting up early, if you grant me this career.......I PROMISE........ I will have no issue with however early I have to start in the morning." I will be thankful and have my smile on from ear to ear. I remember this prayer EVERYDAY. I am thankful. I am grateful. I am also going to bed, because although I have to get up early to teach 10 year old student with a stunning voice has to drive in from Downey to get ready for an audition. This means she has to get up at lease 2 hours before I do!!! Now that's dedication. How can say no??? I made a promise. A promise I'm more than happy to stand by.


   I've been on stage since I was 2 and professional since I was 16. I've been offered everything under the sun from people in this industry. Trips, shopping sprees, houses, you name it.........I've been offered it! You need to make a decision on what works for you. With the decision you make, can you still go to sleep at night? I've even heard the expression "baby, I'm gonna make a star out of you." I heard that expression more than once!!! We're all made a little different and I'm not here to judge others. Just wanting to bring something to your attention. There's almost always "strings attached." If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck.........IT'S PROBABLY A DUCK.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

ARE YOU READY FOR FAME??? LIVE YOUR DREAM!!!: Don't just be on time, BE EARLY!!!

ARE YOU READY FOR FAME??? LIVE YOUR DREAM!!!: Don't just be on time, BE EARLY!!!: " Whether it be an audition, singing lessons or any type of appointment. ALWAYS allow extra time for the 'God forbids.' Being on ..."

Don't just be on time, BE EARLY!!!

   Whether it be an audition, singing lessons or any type of appointment. ALWAYS allow extra time for the "God forbids." Being on time doesn't mean if your appointment is for 2:00pm, you show up at 2:00pm. It means show up a bit before. Maby your appointment can happen a bit earlier, maby their was an accident on the way to your destination, maby your flight was a bit delayed. There is a very famous quote I use almost daily........."The early bird gets the worm."What does this really mean? It means, maby YOU get the part because the appointment scheduled before you flaked, it shows respect to whomever it is you have the appointment with and it shows YOU mean business.


ARE YOU READY FOR FAME??? LIVE YOUR DREAM!!!: CHEWING GUM IN SINGING CLASS: "I will be the first to admite......I love gum. I can chew gum all day. However there is a time and place for everything. One place where you..."


I will be the first to admite......I love gum. I can chew gum all day. However there is a time and place for everything. One place where you may want to rethink your gum chewing habit is in singing class. I'm not trying to be the old fashion schoolmarm that I think I sound like. I'm trying to tell you that while you make think no one will notice.......we will. Singing while chewing makes for a much wetter sound. It also sound likes a horse with it's hoof stuck in the mud! Yes, no joke. If you can't part with your gum during your singing class, please take it out and put it somewhere till your lesson is over. Afterwards, by all means.........chew your heart out.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


 Marketing is everything!!! I can't say it enough. First things first. Think of yourself as a package from head to toe. Have your craft down, your image, your songs etc......Set up accounts everywhere thru the computer to help develop a fan base. Now a days, the record companies don't want to look at you unless you already have a following. Have a fan site, youtube, myspace, twitter etc.......Don't forget to BLOG. There is a lot of work to be done here. There will be times you may want to just pull your hair out. Remember to take small breaks. Remember why your even at the computer at that moment. Remember if you really want this, your gonna have to put some elbow grease behind it!

Monday, April 4, 2011

ARE YOU READY FOR FAME??? LIVE YOUR DREAM!!!: Be honest, be kind

ARE YOU READY FOR FAME??? LIVE YOUR DREAM!!!: Be honest, be kind: "This statement gets made by new students ALL THE TIME......'Monica, I want you to be honest with me. You can tell me the truth. Was I ok? Di..."

Be honest, be kind

This statement gets made by new students ALL THE TIME......"Monica, I want you to be honest with me. You can tell me the truth. Was I ok? Did I sound ok?" For the most part it comes from students that are really good..........from students that have a chance in the entertainment industry. I started to wonder to myself......"why is this person feeling so insecure?" I started to ask a few questions and before I knew it, I found out the truth. Someone in their life (usually when they were little) said something negative that really hurt their feelings. It's important to honesty. It's also important to be careful with your words. When giving someone feedback, don't just tell them where they need to improve. Say something positive as well.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

You just might stumble upon your selling point

 In all my years of teaching, the question I get asked the most remains the same and still makes me laugh a little. "How long will it take me to get really good at singing." Taking singing lessons is great, but you can't just rely on your vocal coach to make you into the singer you hope to be. You need to go home after each lesson and actually practice!!! Half of your practicing is listening back to your hopefully recorded singing lesson. Notice what part of the song you sang that you like and be proud. Notice what part of the you sang that you didn't like and do something about it! Don't just sit there and say "I didn't like that part" and leave it at that. Play around with your voice a bit. Try singing certain areas differently. Maby sing with less vibrato. Maby sing with a breathy tone. Take some chances. You just might stumble upon your selling point.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


     Ok, So you've had a hard day for whatever's a 1000 degrees outside, you were stuck on the 405 fwy for what seems like forever and even got into a fight with your significant other. You finally make it to your gig and our mood is less than desirable to say the least. You have got to remember.....Your day is exactly that. YOUR DAY. One you arrive to your gig, it is beyond important to remember to leave your issues in the car. It's a private matter that non of your audience members need to know about.......nor do they care. The came out possibly even on a week night to take a break from their own lives to watch your show. Remember to return to kindness, step up to the plate, be humble and enjoy what you love doing most. Perform for others!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011


I've been having the same conversation alllllllllllll morning long with each of my students. They want to have a singing career. They have the look and the talent. So my question is "what are you doing to get your name out there, find the auditions and help promote yourself?" Everyone has come up with the same answer "I don't know." I just don't get it. "Do you have a bio or a resume?" No. "Do you have a headshot?" No, not yet. "What do you have?" Well, I'm doing community theater......I'm auditioning for American Idol this summer, I'm auditioning for The X Factor.......etc.......
This is all great, but not enough. Times are different now a days. If you want this, I mean REALLY want this............YOU'R GONNA HAVE TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. You have the whole internet at the tips of your fingers. USE IT. Google anything you can think of to help yourself find the auditions. Think of yourself as a product and market yourself. Get yourself a fanbase. Post your videos. Post your demos. DO SOMETHING!!!! Don't just sit there and let time slip between the cracks of your fingers. You can't get that back.